Browsing by Author Anghel, Lucian Claudiu

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-10-10Analysis of the Evolution of Meeting Requirements Imposed by MSCI for the Major Companies Listed on Bucharest Stock ExchangeFleanta, Simona; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2022Crude oil futures to manage the price risk of textile equities: An empirical evidence from IndiaKumar, B. R. Pradeep; Kumar, K. Abhaya; Pinto, Prakash; Hawaldar, Iqbal Thonse; Spulbar, Cristi; Birau, Ramona; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2022-08-26Digitalization as a Factor in Reducing Poverty and Its Implications in the Context of the COVID-19 PandemicSpulbar, Cristi; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Birau, Ramona; Ermis, Simona Ioana; Treapat, Laurentiu Mihai; Mitroi, Adrian
2014-06The Evaluation of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on the Purchase Power, for Romania’s CaseAnghel, Lucian Claudiu; Pinzaru, Florina; Treapat, Laurentiu Mihai
2022Exploring the sustainable effect of mediational role of brand commitment and brand trust on brand loyalty: an empirical studySuhan, Mendon; Nayak, Smitha; Nayak, Raveendranath; Spulbar, Cristi; Bai, Gokarna Vidya; Birau, Ramona; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2022Financial Market Interconnections Analyzed Using GARCH Univariate and Multivariate ModelsAnghel, Lucian Claudiu; Zwak-Cantoriu, Maria-Cristina; Mendon, Suhan; Attila, Gyorgy; Ermis, Simona; Trivedi, Jatin
2013-06Fixing the Central Parity and the Evolution of the Currency within the Exchange Rate Mechanism II in the Countries that Joined the Euro ZoneAnghel, Lucian Claudiu; Pinzaru, Florina; Dinu, Mihaela; Treapat, Laurentiu Mihai
2023The Impact of Disturbances on the US Stock Market’s Spread and Investor Sentiment Through the Perspective of Risk ManagementZwak-Cantoriu, Maria-Cristina; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Ermis, Simona
2022The impact of OECD's Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Aid Commitments for Education on Human Development in Asian Countries and its implications for textile industryGilliani, Durdana Qaiser; Naeem, Muhammad Zahid; Spulbar, Cristi; Ejaz, Abdullah; Birau, Ramona; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Florescu, Ion
2020The Impact of the COVID - 19 Pandemic on Business. A Preliminary OverviewPinzaru, Florina; Zbuchea, Alexandra; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2022Investigating financial opportunities for traditional clothing industry in South Asia based on an analysis of internationally diversified portfolio using ARCH and GARCH modelsZulfiqar, Imran Ali; Birau, Ramona; Spulbar, Cristi; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Ejaz, Abdullah; Criveanu, Radu Catalin
2015Learning from Financial PracticeTreapat, Laurentiu Mihai; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Gheorghiu, Anda; Ivan, Ion
2021Market Risk Management - Modeling the Distribution of Losses Using Romanian SecuritiesZwak-Cantoriu, Maria-Cristina; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu; Ermis, Simona
2016Microeconomia în (micro) sintezăTreapat, Laurentiu Mihai; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2018-10-11Romanian Capital Market: On the Road Toward an Emergent Market StatusMihalcea, Alina Daniela; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2013-09Some Challenges the Management Confronts with, in the Financial InstitutionsTreapat, Laurentiu Mihai; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu