Browsing by Author Pinzaru, Florina

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-06The Evaluation of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Based on the Purchase Power, for Romania’s CaseAnghel, Lucian Claudiu; Pinzaru, Florina; Treapat, Laurentiu Mihai
2013-06Fixing the Central Parity and the Evolution of the Currency within the Exchange Rate Mechanism II in the Countries that Joined the Euro ZoneAnghel, Lucian Claudiu; Pinzaru, Florina; Dinu, Mihaela; Treapat, Laurentiu Mihai
2020The Impact of the COVID - 19 Pandemic on Business. A Preliminary OverviewPinzaru, Florina; Zbuchea, Alexandra; Anghel, Lucian Claudiu
2020Management and leadership in an interconnected worldPinzaru, Florina; Zbuchea, Alexandra; Vitelar, Alexandra; Ciuciuc, Victor
2020Management and leadership in an interconnected worldPinzaru, Florina; Zbuchea, Alexandra; Vitelar, Alexandra; Ciuciuc, Victor
2021Old Meets New: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Museums’ Management PracticesVidu, Cristian-Mihai; Zbuchea, Alexandra; Pinzaru, Florina
2019-01-11Sustainable knowledge management and its impact on the performances of biotechnology organizationsZbuchea, Alexandra; Pinzaru, Florina; Bușu, Mihai; Stan, Sergiu-Octavian; Bârgăoanu, Alina
2019-01-11Sustainable knowledge management and its impact on the performances of biotechnology organizationsZbuchea, Alexandra; Pinzaru, Florina; Bușu, Mihai; Stan, Sergiu-Octavian; Bârgăoanu, Alina
2022What managers of SMEs in the CEE region should know about challenges of artificial intelligence’s adoption? – an introductive discussionVidu, Cristian-Mihai; Pinzaru, Florina; Mitan, Andreea